Thank you to Gary & Dave from AIM Calibrations from Wodonga, Victoria for their generous donation of two Validator 8 Autoclaves for use in our new mission scheduled to take place in 2017 at Las Piñas City Medical Center.
Gary Anstis and his team have serviced the sterilizers at Dr Hodgkinson’s day surgery centre, the Double Bay Day Surgery for years and when the call went out that we desperately needed flash sterilisers for our work at Las Piñas, AIM Calibrations was only too happy to answer the call.
Pictured here are Gary and Dave with Double Bay Day Surgery’s Director of Nursing, Sister Sue Slater who has been an Operation Restore Hope volunteer and medical supply coordinator on more than twenty missions in Cebu and Manila.
Thanks to Gary. Dave and AIM Calibrations for making this much needed and greatly appreciated donation!